Blue Economy


About the talk

The Blue Economy has some significant components. The few tangible ones are shipping, navigation, ports, harbors, various resources. The seven pillars of ocean governance are Science & Technology, Geopolitical Economy, Institutions & Organizations, Legislation & Implementation, Role of Civil Society, Financial Initiatives, and Education & Awareness. We have the same areas in water as we have of land. The key is to focus on enhancing coastal and ocean resource efficiency. Get regional cooperation.


Sunil Murlidhar Shastri, Director of Ocean Governance Limited

Sunil Murlidhar Shastri is a consultant, expert and speaker in ocean and environmental governance for over three decades. He found his passion in Pacem in Maribus in 1982 under the tutelage of Elizabeth Mann Borgese and has since made it his mission. He is best known internationally for his master class in ocean and environmental governance and for his erudite analysis and candid opinions. Sunil has attended the Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), International Ocean Institute, Aachen Technical Institute, Dalhousie University, London School of Economics and Harvard Kennedy School, supported throughout by prestigious scholarships. In the past, Sunil has been an academic and researcher in marine and mining engineering, mining engineering, and environmental policy. He had been in the UK since 1988.

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