International Education post COVID19
About the talk
Those who stop learning after their PhD will within 10 to 15 years be no longer viable employees, and will no longer be viable sources of knowledge. They will need to build their knowledge again so that they are prepared for the next 10 or 20 or 30 years of their working life. The nature of educational programs is such that because knowledge is increasingly interdisciplinary, education must likewise be interdisciplinary. Even if you are an engineer, you will need to know something about political science or law or regulation or finance. The world is changing fast and it is going to look very different in five to ten years. Teachers need to not only train their students for the present but also the future. That is true education.

Robert Ahdieh, Dean, Texas A&M University, School of Law
A graduate of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and Yale Law School. Prior to joining the Texas A&M University faculty, Ahdieh was the Professor of Law at Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia. During his tenure at Emory, Ahdieh also served as Associate Dean of Faculty and as Vice Dean. In those capacities, he helped to lead a broad transformation of the composition of the student body, the faculty, and the degree offerings and curriculum of the law school. Ahdieh has served as a visiting professor at Columbia and Georgetown law schools, as well as at Princeton University. He has also visited at the Institute for Advanced Study, the University of British Columbia, the University of Warsaw, and Singapore Management University, among other overseas institutions.